Showing posts with label how to use anger appropriately. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to use anger appropriately. Show all posts

Saturday, April 15, 2023


Hey Bruh! I am aware of what some people who knew me in the past and who know me now are going to say when they discover that I wrote this blog or after seeing the title. They will say something to the effect of; What! Or really! Why? Because I was a hot head, and to some degree I still am! The biggest difference between me back in the day and my contemporary self is that I have learned to use or rather I am still learning the proper use of anger! As both a teenager and a young man, I was mad every day! Mad at the world, my dad, and myself, and although I really didn’t know it, I was mad at God too! I fought or was looking for a fight all the time. If I wasn’t fighting, I would talk violently. If I wasn’t talking violently, I would be thinking violently. And because I thought, talked, and acted violently, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that I was immature, foolish, and flat-out ignorant! The truth about this kind of mentality or disposition is that it will control your life and severely limit your livelihood if it is not dealt with properly! Why? Because anger is in our nature! That is to say; we were born with this emotion and since it never leaves us nor is it supposed to, just like any of our other individual emotions, if you do not control it, it will control you! That’s when ignorance takes over!

By the way, that was Cain's problem. Before he killed his brother Able, God came to Cain after he got mad when his gift was not acceptable and showed him how to properly use his anger. But to the demise of Able, Cain would not listen! We will breakdown Cain’s disposition in a proceeding post but for now, suffice it to say that Cain got mad, got ignorant, and intentionally misappropriated violence with a homicidal act that unleashed vengeance upon himself, from which his descendants to this day are still trying to flee! 


I am also quite aware that the frequent use of the word violence in this post and in this blog will be triggering for many! As inartful and insensitive to them as it may seem, what I am going to try to convey to everyone here is that there are two domains in which violence will occur! One is spiritual, and the other is natural! However, I want to make myself clear when I say that abuse of any kind is wrong, unacceptable, and a crime in both of those domains! So, to misappropriate violence or to inflict spiritual, emotional, and physical pain on someone because you can, because you want to, and even if it’s the only thing you know how to do, is the definition of willful ignorance and is a manifestation of pure evil! Period!

The misappropriation of violence is nothing new! From the murder outside of the Garden of Eden to the mass casualty events of today, history is replete with example after horrible example of humanity at its absolute worst! In the United States alone, far too many of our citizens have unfortunately become victims of violence! However, just as regrettable is the fact that every one of us can bear witness to the rapid increase of misappropriated violence and in addition to that have had to suffer from the collateral damage that was inflicted on us by the perpetrators, as those acts of willful ignorance and pure evil have become commonplace in this country!

Anger permeates the very fiber of the American way of life because we are all human! But interesting enough, whether the violence that anger can ignite is misappropriated in the heat of passion, during an unfolding plot of domestic terror, or by someone with a serial mentality, we put every act of violence into the same box and call it mental illness! Certainly, no one in their right mind is going to commit an atrocity! On the other hand, most if not all of the people who have been diagnosed with or are suffering from mental illness are just trying to live a normal life and are not trying to harm anyone, and that includes themselves! So, the question you should be asking is “How do you know the difference?”

You will know you are on your way to understanding the principles of the proper use of anger when you begin to recognize the difference between anger provoked and ignorance unleashed! The difference is correctly appropriated violence is an effective instrument of peace, and conversely, when violence is misappropriated, it is a deadly weapon of destruction! For example, if I can defeat my adversary with my mere presence, then I know that I have appropriately used violence because it was more effective than a verbal threat or a physical assault! This means that I got mad, but I did not get ignorant! However, in a world that is full of violence or to be more accurate, in a world that is full of ignorance, the question now becomes; Where do you go to see an example of the proper use of anger on display?


I meant that sincerely! Where can you go in this world and find anger used properly? The answer to that question turns out to be very difficult to find and when you find it, the answer is very difficult to comprehend! This is because when it comes to human emotions; as time goes by, things stay the same! In other words, this is because human beings are angry! We always have been, and we always will be! In fact, the people that are a part of this generation or who are living on the planet right now are not just angry, they are angrier than ever before! Jealousy, hate, and insecurity are just a few of the emotional rollercoaster rides we strap in for or deal with daily that have totally reengineered the dynamics of interpersonal relationships or have completely changed the way that we treat one another!

To put it bluntly, we just don’t love each other like we should! Why? It is because in the name of individual rights, selfishness reigns, and being selfish does not allow you to “love your brother and sister like you love yourself!” Or prefer their rights wants, and needs over your own! That just doesn’t happen a lot, if at all anymore! Consequently, because “the love of many has waxed cold,” it is much easier for us as humans to get mad, get ignorant, and stay that way! That is why we see the hideous face of murder uncovered every time the ignorant make the declaration, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” We recognize that face because we have seen it in our own mirror when we got mad, got ignorant, and hated our brother and sister without a cause! 

Today, human beings have become implacable and are deviously malicious! In other words, we do not forgive, we hold grudges, and we plan or invent ways to hurt each other because we have hurt ourselves! This still happens even though it seems like everyone has a life coach or a counselor! How much money has been wasted on paying someone to tell you what you already know about yourself or on just talking for the sake of talking? Ironically, after all of that talking, some people will still be mad at something that happened or that they perceived to have happened to them 10, 20, and 30 years ago! Predictably, every time that they are triggered by it, they get mad, and they get ignorant! Hard to find the proper use of anger around them!

Today, human beings have become more prideful and deceitfully contentious! In other words, we think that we are better than everyone else, and we will lie, cheat, and steal to prove it! We will create a solution where there is no problem and start a fight to force compliance because we think that what we want is more important! Then we will control the narrative with repetitious mendacity to the point that we start believing our own lies and get violently ignorant when we are confronted with the truth! Hard to find the proper use of anger around them also! Now I could go on and on with examples of ignorance on full display but that’s not hard to find and that’s not what we are looking for! We need to see more of those who are in leadership at every level who are properly using anger being put on display so that the world can see and emulate them before we cross the line of no return! Or is it already too late?

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


 “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.” Ephesians 4:26-27

 Hey Bruh! There is always a cause and effect! This means, that in the world in which we live, there is a stimulus or there are stimuli that both demand and require a response! Every day we as human beings process these causes and respond to them in the way in which they affect us! This is because the complement of emotions that we are born with pretty much control how we respond to or rather, (if we are going to be truthful about it,) how we react to the stimulus or stimuli that we are confronted with! Nevertheless, that is not the way it is supposed to be!

We are indeed emotional beings, but we should not always be subject to the rollercoaster ride or to all the ups and downs that we are going to experience on this journey called life because of them! However, the impact of trauma and drama slowly weaponizes our feelings to the point that at times we become unbalanced! This means that all of us have triggers, but some people are not just triggered, they are trigger-happy! Consequently, the effect that is provoked by the cause from most of us is an irrational, unjustifiable, and at times irrevocable reaction! But for those who are trigger-happy, their provocation is a 24/7/365 disposition!

I think you will agree that anger is the most if not one of the most influential emotions in the complement that we were born with! Anger is expressed in many ways and unfortunately, it is the primary reason why people become isolated, feared, mistrusted, overlooked, ridiculed, incarcerated, and are rotting on death row! With that said, I want everyone to know that there is a difference between being provoked to anger and being a rageful or vindictive person! Unequivocally, you can have a bad day and say or do something in the heat of passion, but that does not mean that you are what you did! In fact, those who know you will confirm that what you said or how you acted on that day was out of character! But we all need to be reminded that there are people in this world and in our lives who are driven by uncontrollable anger or are full of rage, who cannot do or say anything that is not vindictive, and who cannot be anything other than ignorant!

The first part of Ephesians 4:26 says, “Be ye angry, and sin not!” The name of this blog is, “Get Mad, But Don’t Get Ignorant.” This is my transliteration of that part of the scripture from King James English into our language to try to create a popular expression! However, what I want you to know is that the intent of both this scripture and this blog is to introduce the concept and to teach the principles of the proper use of Anger! We need to understand and then implement these principles to be effective in recovering and retrieving the things that have been stolen and that have been lost so that we have a proper legacy to leave for the next generation!

Now I am writing this blog for the masses! This is to say, that in writing this blog my intention is to try to reach everyone but in particular, what is most important to me, is that I am writing this blog for my brothers! For men far and wide whose instinct is to fight! Ok, I hear you! But I am not trying to imply or deny that women can fight! My wife and I are the parents of three daughters, and I know that all four of them can and will fight if necessary! Additionally, I grew up with and around some women who fought like men, and I was thankful that some of them were my own sisters and others were good friends! However, it is a well-documented truth and a historical fact that whether their reputation was famous or infamous, men were born to fight! So let me reiterate, I am writing this blog for the masses, both men and women, but again what is most important to me is that I am writing this blog for my brothers! I apologize if I offended anyone with that statement however, there is a time and a purpose to everything under the heavens!

What better time is there to redirect or to help men gain a proper understanding of the use of anger than right now! Why? It’s because if you don’t know or won’t acknowledge the purpose of a thing, you will inevitably abuse it! Consequently, because of the lack of understanding and the willful disregard for the purpose of a thing, men have abused everything in the name of Manhood! That is not the way it is supposed to be, and this mentality must change! Why? Because the proper use of anger is the cure for what ails this world and without it, the misappropriation of violence will continue!

“The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, but the violent take it by force!” Matthew 11:12 KJV. The NASB transliterates the last declaration of that verse to say: AND VIOLENT MEN TAKE IT BY FORCE! So now is the time to make this principle clear to the masses and particularly to my brothers so that we, both men and women, can take back what has been stolen and retrieve what has been lost together before it is all said and done! Secondly, it is out of necessity that those principles need to be on display to introduce to some and to remind others that as a man the misappropriation of violence is not and should not be what defines masculinity however, it is only when men understand the proper use of anger that violence is appropriate in circumstance, in measure, and is exponentially more effective than the actions of the ignorant!       

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