Showing posts with label Cain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cain. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


HEY BRUH! Today I present to you Part III in this series called The Cain Mentality! In Part One I defined for you what the Cain Mentality is and how to identify that disposition! In Part II, I defined the concept of this mentality and showed you the legacy it leaves! In Part III, I going to share with you my life story and testimony on how God set me free from this mentality and brought me out of that darkness into his marvelous light! All Right! Let’s get started!


One of the things that shocked me when God brought me out from the darkness of this mentality I existed in, was the depth, the breadth, and the height of that bondage! Listen, I thought I understood what Romans 5:20 meant when it said “Where sin abounded God’s grace did abound much more, but I did not realize just how much more it abounded in my life until He brought me into His marvelous light! In addition to that, what was more shocking, and also deflating, was the fact that I finally saw myself for who I really was, and I had to acknowledge the filthiness of my unrighteousness! But I could not do that in the dark! Why? Because the darkness covered my true identity so that I could not see how wretched I was!

Now if you put on a disguise and do something wrong, that means you know what you are doing is wrong and you are trying not to get caught! In other words, you are using an exterior façade to hide your interior intent! But when you exist in the darkness of the Cain Mentality you will be blinded by a mindset that is absent of truth! That means that because of how you think, everything about you, who you are, what you say, and what you do is a lie, and that blindness is so dark, that even if you could see the truth, you would not accept it!

This blindness is what produces in the men who suffer from the Cain Mentality: identity crisis, selfishness, jealousy, criminality, rebellion, anger, malice, and violent outbursts among other things! This is an internal disposition that controls the external actions which in turn convey to the world that you are something you were never supposed to be. However, because you cannot see it, you will continue to exist in that darkness until you get set free or until you perish!



The Cain Mentality is everywhere! It does not discriminate between race, creed, or color. It does not care whether or not you are rich or poor, educated, or uneducated, religious or secular, conservative or progressive. The only thing that differentiates it in the institution of manhood is how it is manifested in men's lives both individually and corporately! For instance, not every man can, will, or has an opportunity to physically take the life of another, however, everyman can, will, and has an opportunity to use that military-style weapon in their mouth called a tongue to deceive, disparage, deny, and destroy an entire generation!

For me, it manifested as failure and as far as I am concerned, failure is the deepest, broadest, and highest darkness a man could ever exist in! Why? Because when you were born into bondage you suffer from the syndrome of insignificance! That means when you start with nothing, it teaches you to want nothing! When you want nothing, the ability to achieve is diminished! When your ability to achieve is diminished, you end up with nothing, or you never leave where you started! Let me break this down!


Listen! There was a time in my life when I walked around knowing that whatever I did, tried, planned, plotted, or attempted was not going to succeed! It was not a misconception or a delusion! It was a reality that manifested itself as a cyclical pattern of failure because I could not make good decisions, so I just acted on impulse, and that was going on for years before I went to prison!

The rapidly increasing pressures of the bondage of insignificance kept me from succeeding in every part of my life! As I look back on my life it seems that I was the epitome of failure as a child until I was in my early thirties! This was a long time to exist in that darkness and not recognize or be recognized for my gifts and talents like other people I grew up with or my peers in general!

But the God of the universe, in His infinite wisdom, created me to fulfill a purpose for His kingdom! What I found out later on is that the purpose He ordained for my life meant that God never intended for me to be a failure! Now, I didn’t find that purpose, because it was already in me, but all that was connected to that purpose after I cried out to God in the middle of that darkness when I was in prison and He heard my cry, came into my life, brought me out of that darkness and into his marvelous light! Since that day, I have been walking out of the darkness of failure and the bondage insignificance by His spirit, and Hey Bruh, what he has for me he will do for you!

Saturday, December 16, 2023


HEY BRUH! Today, I present to you Part II in this series I call The Cain Mentality! In Part One I defined what the Cain Mentality is and how to identify that disposition! So, it’s my privilege to share with you the concept of this mentality by first explaining who Cain was, is, and always has been. Secondly, by describing how his presence endured throughout history, and lastly, by showing you the impact that his presence has had on society from generation to generation! Alright! Let’s get started!

I want to begin by stating the obvious! Cain the actual is dead! In other words, the man in a story from the Bible who killed his brother because he was jealous is not alive anymore and has been dead for over 5,000 years! I would be very surprised if someone in 2023 didn’t know that! However, with that knowledge comes a boatload of questions! The first one is and should be; If Cain the actual died over 5000 years ago, how could his presence have been pervasive over the last 5000 years later!


The answer to that question is both simple and complex! The answer to that question, my brother, is legacy! Legacy is the impact, influence, and impression a progenitor has on their progeny which is what connects them to posterity, or in other words, the essence of who you are that is left as an heirloom to be passed on from one generation to the next! Legacy is the traditions, values, faults, strengths, and passions that identify and confirm the bloodline! Simply put, legacy is the full expression of the phrase, “Like father, like son!” 

 You will find the chronicle of Cain in the 4th chapter of the book of Genesis. The antagonistic relationship he had with his brother. The unacceptable disposition of both wanting and having to do things his way. His implacability or unwillingness to come into covenant with God and offer up a proper sacrifice. The crime of passion that he committed because of jealousy. The loss of his identity from being banished from the presence of God and disconnected from his purpose, and the mental instability caused by the mark on his head that became a constant reminder of what he did and what he’s running from! This is the concept of the Cain Mentality, and this is the legacy left by a rebel!

Cain is the man in the mirror! Go ahead! Take a look! Looking in the mirror is how you'll know if you fit this description because chances are, he'll be staring right back at you! Here is how you can tell! Cain was, is, and has always been a man of unchecked passion! Because of that, he has always gotten himself into trouble! If it’s not jealousy, it's anger! If it’s not anger, it’s greed! If it’s not greed, it’s hunger! If it’s not hunger, it’s lust; if it’s not lust, it’s love! Now if the shoe fits my brother, you've probably been wearing it since the day you were born!

Cain was, is, and has always been driven by his desires and was, is, and has always been willing to do what he has to do to fulfill those desires! Cain was, is, and has always been insatiable! Nothing can quench his thirst because he doesn’t know what he’s thirsty for! Nothing can stop his hunger because he doesn’t know what he’s hungry for! Nothing can calm his nerves because he doesn’t know what he’s nervous about, and nothing can slow him down, because he doesn’t know why he’s running, where he’s running to, and what he’s running from! Cain is that man in the mirror! The question is, Are you the man he's looking back at? 
The irony of who Cain was, is, and, has always been, is that despite his so-called success, his birth will not go down in history as a day of celebration, it will go down as a day of infamy! Why! Because Cain and his descendants are simultaneously responsible for some of the greatest achievements and some of the worst atrocities mankind has ever known! Fame becomes infamy when you're known for what you do or did wrong, more than for what you do or did right! Without equivocation, what you do or did wrong will make a bigger impact, leave a bigger impression, and have more influence on you, your family and friends, and the generations to come! Why? Because when Cain screws up, he screws up big time! In other words, you can do good and even great things and still be a loser, then pass it on to your children, your children’s children, and so on until someone gets set free! Alright, let’s do a quick review! 

Hey Bruh, this is a good place to stop. But again, let me encourage you to stay with me in this series because what I’m sharing with you is what I have experienced living with the Cain Mentality! That means I can tell you how you got it, what it does to your life, and how God’s grace and mercy will bring you out of that mentality! Listen, I never had a comeback because I can’t remember ever being in the light before I was in the darkness! I always tell people that I had a brought back! Why? Because God brought me out of that darkness into His marvelous light! And my brother He will do the same for you!

Part III: Brought Back Life

Now in part III of The Cain Mentality, I will share with you the plight of a man who is driven by the Cain Mentality and how the grace of God delivers him. I am willing to share this part of my life story with you because I want to show you how God can do what you can't do to set you free from this mentality! Part III will be posted in the week of 1/1/24 so again stay with me, leave a comment, and share this blog with others! Until then HAPPY NEW YEAR! BE GOOD, BE BLESSED! AND REMEMBER, JESUS IS LORD!  PEACE! 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The "Cain Mentality": A Rebel Just Because

Hey Bruh! Today I want to present to you my thesis on what I call the Cain Mentality! Why? Because now is the time and today is the day for the man who we consider to be the prodigal son to shake himself, come to his senses, and then return to his rightful place in his family and in society! In the series, we will take a deep dive into the concept, mindset, ineffectiveness, and restoration of someone who has been running from vengeance, dodging fatally, bucking the system, and doing things his way, since the day he killed his brother and became public enemy #1, so we can answer that age-old question, can Cain be saved? That answer is unequivocal! And that answer is YES! 

Immature Men are a Menace to Society

It’s not that he is a bad dude. It’s the fact that he thinks he is, he wants to be and is trying to be identified as someone to be respected but feared, who needs to be acknowledged but wants to be left alone, and someone who demands recognition for what he has accomplished even though he realizes that his success was gotten illegitimately!

Now not every man who is acting immaturely or has some form of questionable success has the "Cain Mentality," however, there are indicators that both identify and confirm who does. Nevertheless, in today’s society, he can be found everywhere you go! You either are or were somebody, you know somebody, or you know somebody that knows somebody who fits that description or who could literally be Cain in the flesh.

the cain mentality distorts masculinity
Cain is  here, lurking in the shadows 

In other words, He’s out there! You’ve seen him! His presence is pervasive, but his purpose is unclear! He has no allegiance, but he belongs to a fraternity that is known for being a menace to society. 

The Distortion of Masculinity in the Man-Hating Era

What that means for America specifically, is that from the trap house to the white house these men have found a way to distort the definition of masculinity and relegate manhood to animalistic behavior! As a result, this has created a new sport called “Man Hating.”

This sport consists of men being held accountable for what other men have done, being distrusted, or mistrusted because all men can’t be trusted, and being disrespected because you’re a man, regardless of whether you’re guilty of anything or not! Then finally if you make a mistake or do something wrong you won’t find forgiveness and saying you're sorry will never be enough. Why? That’s because "men are to blame," for every problem in this world! My Brother, if you know what I’m talking about, you don’t have to say a word, just shake your head. Alright!

What is the "Cain Mentality"

Ever been mad at God?

The Cain Mentality is defined as a mindset of general disrespect for authority, but an acute disrespect for authority figures! An enigmatic phenomenon that causes the uniquely gifted and the multitalented to live a life of failure rather than a life of success, and a disposition of inferiority that makes a man want to kill his brother because he did the right thing!

Cain is described as a lawless drifter with a God complex whose grandiose delusions, ill-conceived plans, and crocked schemes keep him running from something he cannot describe and running to a place he cannot find! That thing is called vengeance and that place he is running to is called nowhere. Fueled by anger and lost without cause, those that fall victim to the Cain Mentality are merely a rebel just because. An example of the Cain Mentality can be seen in Jim Stark, the main and troubled young character in the 1955 movie Rebel Without a Cause.

a lack of purpose shown in movies
Jim Stark in Rebel Without a Cause

A Lack of Purpose Leads to a Life of Abuse

Myles Monroe, a Bahamian Evangelical Christian minister once stated that "nothing in life is without purpose but when the purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable."

The inevitable abuse that a man who is disconnected from his purpose both causes and suffers from are the indicators that help to identify and confirm those who are driven by the "Cain Mentality."

However, the indicator that distinguishes him the most is his unyielding and unrepented determination to do things his way! “I’m gonna do this my way,” is that hardheadedness that refuses wise counsel. It’s that "You can’t tell me nothing, I got this, I don’t need no help," disposition that has caused him to lose everything. It is what makes him live recklessly, check out of life, and become a danger unto himself and to everyone that he comes into contact with. 

If you're interested in learning more about purpose and what you can do to start reconnecting with your own, check out this video where I dive deep into my story and how I was able to reconnect to purpose with the help of God's Grace. 

Alright. If you've made it this far, we've covered a lot of ground. Let's do a quick review of what we've learned about the "Cain Mentality."

Understanding the cain mentality

Hey Bruh, this is a good place to stop. But let me encourage you to stay with me in this series because what I’m sharing with you is what I have experienced living with the Cain Mentality! That means I can tell you how you got it, what it does to your life, and how God’s grace and mercy will bring you out of that mentality! Listen, I never had a comeback because I can’t remember ever being in the light before I was in the darkness! I always tell people that I had a brought back! Why? Because God brought me out of that darkness into His marvelous light! And my brother He will do the same for you!

Now in part II of The Cain Mentality, I will explain the concept by describing who Cain was and is, how his presence has endured throughout history, and the impact that his presence has had on society from generation to generation! Part II will be posted in the week of 8/7/23 so again stay with me, leave a comment, and share this blog with others! Until then BE GOOD AND BE BLESSED! PEACE! 

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